Opioid Crisis

Opioid addiction continues to plague the State of New Hampshire and the close-knit community of Epping.  Our officers have seen first-hand the devastating physiological affects this disease has on an individual and have witnessed how the disease has torn families apart.  Most property crimes in Epping such as burglary, theft and shoplifting are committed by people trying to support their opioid addiction.

To help our community and the surrounding communities with the current Opioid epidemic, The Epping Fire Department recently received grant funding for PROJECT FIRST through the SAMHA First Responder Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act Cooperative Award #SP080286.  This allows the department to employ 2 part time recovery coaches, who on request, can make house calls to at-risk individuals and their families. They can assist them in finding the appropriate treatment services, providing Naloxone kits, and teaching non-certified CPR. If you would like more information on this, or would like to speak with a recovery coach please contact the Epping Fire Department at (603) 679-5446.

The Epping Police Department is committed to helping those afflicted with this disease.  We work closely with the Epping Fire Department and their PROJECT FIRST Grant.

For information on additional services, please visit the following online resources:

In an effort to help keep prescribed opiates off the streets and away from children, the Epping Police Department participates quarterly in the DEA Drug Take-Back Program.   During these advertised events, we accept any medications at the police station without questions.  Community members are welcome to drop unused or expired prescribed medications into a box, where they will be relayed to the DEA for proper incineration.  Please visit the DEA website here for more information on the program.

DEA Take Back